Monday, 14 May 2012

Cult Cinema

The film i have chosen is the twilight saga, the reason i have chose these set of films is because of the extreme popularity and the vast amount of fandom on the internet, Ive also mentioned about the Star Wars series to and how it has mutiple approaches to been cult.
During my research into the Twilight films i found many different fan sites, including a few roleplay sites too. The Roleplay website i found was called "The official Twilight Saga Roleplay Site". Unlike fansites Roleplay websites allow an individual to have an avatar representing themselves, but the avatar is a character of the film for example "Bella". Roleplay also consists of chinging your name to your favorite character, after creating and re-structuring your character, you then talk to other individuals who have their own characters from the films.
I think that for many people who do not feel socially accepted or find it hard fitting in at school, college or talking to people, the roleplay sites help them to become who they want to be without anybody making comments about there appearance. As the people on the Twilight roleplay site all have the same interest this allows them to gain the confidence and have the freedom to be able to talk to people over the internet without feeling thretened.
Another type of fan site i found was a website called "The Twilight Saga" where i found a forum called "How didn't Edward know it was possible to get Bella pregnant?". Below is an example I found of a fan responding to this question.
Well, since there is no record of a human getting pregnant after a sexual encounter with a vampire (seeing how all of those encounters ended in the victim being drained of blood... go figure) and they figured since Edward died, ALL of his bodily functions died with him, I think it's safe to say that their carelessness really was not their fault. Not even medical science can explain that.
This response shows that the individual is confusing the fiction with reality and is talking about the characters as if they were real people, rather than talking about the actors who play the characters in the film, this is another example of social awkwardness and how they dont really feel accepted into the real world.

My own definition for a "Cult Film" has to come down to how the audience reacts and responds to the film, like how the themes look in certain scenes and how the equilibrium and activites flow within the matter.
A quick example of a Cult film would have to be the Star Wars series, some people hate it some people love it and then some people take it to the next level by dressing up as the characters, like I said before aswell roleplay is a key factor to, but what makes it live on to be a cult film also is the fanart and conventions they have. Another example would be that they have a celebration day for the film also its called May the 4th "", this example is one where people go to major nightclubs dressed as characters from the film, not to re-inact but just for fun.

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